Author: gg

  • Silent Suffering – Can You Be Depressed and Not Know It? 

    Silent Suffering – Can You Be Depressed and Not Know It? 

    Depression is a widespread mental health condition that affects millions worldwide. While many associate depression with persistent sadness and despair, it’s possible to suffer from depression without having some of the more obvious symptoms. This phenomenon, known as silent depression or smiling depression, is when someone is depressed on the inside but doesn’t show it…

  • How to Help Someone with Low Self Esteem

    How to Help Someone with Low Self Esteem

    When we talk about self-esteem, we’re essentially discussing how we view and value ourselves. It’s like having an internal mirror that reflects our self-worth. Unfortunately, for some people, this mirror seems perpetually clouded by self-doubt and negativity. This is what we call low self-esteem. At its core, low self-esteem is characterized by a persistent feeling…

  • Self Confidence Examples: How CBT Can Boost Self Assurance

    Self Confidence Examples: How CBT Can Boost Self Assurance

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is built on the premise that our thoughts significantly influence our emotions and behaviors. This concept is central to the therapeutic approaches developed by Aaron T. Beck, which highlight that it’s not just the events in our lives that shape how we feel, but our interpretation of those events. This principle…

  • Separation Anxiety Test – Signs & Symptoms to Look Out For

    Separation Anxiety Test – Signs & Symptoms to Look Out For

    Have you ever found yourself asking questions like, “Do I have separation anxiety?” or “Do people really love me?” You’re not alone. We often encounter these thoughts and fears, especially when facing changes or challenges in our lives. Separation anxiety isn’t just a childhood issue; many of us experience it as adults too. Our thoughts…

  • Recognizing Debilitating Anxiety & Help to ease Crippling Anxiety

    Recognizing Debilitating Anxiety & Help to ease Crippling Anxiety

    It’s completely normal to experience some degree of anxiety – you’re only human. However, can anxiety be debilitating? According to The World Health Organization, over 300 million people are living with some form of anxiety disorder, but it shouldn’t completely alter your life. Anxiety isn’t something you simply need to learn to live with. Everyone…
