Separation Anxiety Test – Signs & Symptoms to Look Out For

Have you ever found yourself asking questions like, “Do I have separation anxiety?” or “Do people really love me?” You’re not alone.

We often encounter these thoughts and fears, especially when facing changes or challenges in our lives. Separation anxiety isn’t just a childhood issue; many of us experience it as adults too.

Our thoughts aren’t just passive reflections of what’s happening around us; they shape how we feel and act. If we constantly doubt our worth or question the love in our relationships, it can have a massive impact on our emotions and behaviors.

In this separation anxiety test, we will take you through a few questions that will help you establish whether you are dealing with this common mental challenge.

Do I Have Separation Anxiety? A Quiz

Separation anxiety is often associated with young children, but it’s something that adults experience all the time too.

It’s a feeling of nervousness or distress that occurs when we’re separated from people or places that we’re familiar with. It’s a normal part of life to feel some level of anxiety when familiarity is tested, but when these feelings are intense, persistent, and affect your daily life, it becomes a concern.

So, what does separation anxiety look like in adults? It can vary, but common signs include excessive worry about losing loved ones, a reluctance to leave home or go to new places, persistent fear of being alone, and even physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches when separation occurs or is anticipated.

It’s important to recognize that these feelings are not just about being overly attached; they often stem from deeper fears and insecurities.

What triggers separation anxiety? It can be a variety of things, including a significant life change like moving to a new city, starting a new job, or the end of a relationship. Sometimes, it’s not even one big event but a buildup of smaller stressors that shake our sense of security.

It’s also worth noting that our past experiences, particularly in childhood, can play a role in how we handle separations and losses later in life.

Understanding separation anxiety is the first step in managing it. It’s about recognizing that while these feelings are challenging, they’re also a common human experience.

The key is to acknowledge these feelings without judgment and understand that they are a part of our emotional depth, not a reflection of our strength or character.

Separation Anxiety Quiz: Thoughts and Emotions in Adults

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches us that it’s not just the situations we find ourselves in that affect how we feel, but also what we tell ourselves about these situations.

Can you relate to any of these statements when it comes to your general daily emotions:

1.      I often feel that no one wants to be with me at social gatherings because I’m not interesting. 

2.      I tend to criticize myself unnecessarily when I make a mistake at work.

3.      When I receive praise or a promotion at work, I often feel undeserving.

4.      I tend to dwell on thoughts of the inevitability of being alone, which results in feelings of panic.

If you agree with one or more of these statements, it could indicate that you have low levels of self-worth and self-love and high levels of self-criticism.

Experiencing these feelings for prolonged periods of time can make separation from family, friends, and work colleagues seem more daunting.

Separation Anxiety in Relationships Test

Moving deeper into the realm of separation anxiety, let’s explore how our concerns about relationships can intensify these feelings.

Often, it’s not just the physical separation that’s distressing, but the underlying worries about our connections with others.

Can you relate to any of these scenarios?

1. Fear of Losing Love and Connection

Imagine you’ve been in a relationship for a while, and your partner starts a new hobby that takes up a lot of their time. You might find yourself thinking, “They’re going to meet someone better. I’ll be left behind.” This fear of losing love and connection can lead to feelings of jealousy or clinginess, driving you to constantly seek reassurance or struggle with the idea of them having separate interests.

2. Doubting the Authenticity of Friendships

Let’s say you’re part of a close-knit friend group, but recently you haven’t been able to join in as many gatherings. If your first thought is, “They probably don’t miss me. Maybe our friendship was never that strong,” this could be a sign of separation anxiety. The next time a friend cancels plans or is unavailable, these fears may be triggered, leading you to worry excessively about the stability of your friendships.

3. Fear of Being Replaced in Social Circles

Consider a scenario where you’re part of a team at work, and a new member joins who is very charismatic and skilled. If you start thinking, “Everyone likes them more than me. I’m going to be left out,” this can create a sense of competition and insecurity, and lead to anxious thoughts.

4. Anxiety About Family Dynamics

Family gatherings can also be a source of anxiety, especially if you’ve felt like the ‘black sheep’ in the past. Suppose you overhear a family member praising someone else and think, “They never say anything like that about me. I don’t really belong here.” This perception can heighten feelings of alienation and anxiety, making family events stressful and exacerbating fears of being emotionally separated from your family.

If you can relate to most of the scenarios in this separation anxiety in relationships test, it can be a sign that you have underlying insecurities that are impacting your daily life.

Interpreting the Results of Your Separation Anxiety Disorder Test

Now that we’ve taken you through a few common statements and scenarios in this separation anxiety in adults test, here’s how to interpret your results. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How are you responding emotionally to normal situations? When you look at your emotional responses to everyday situations, do they seem realistic to you? If a friend had to respond in the same way, would you tell them they aren’t seeing things clearly? If so, you may have separation anxiety.
  2. Have your behavioral tendencies changed? Have people ever become frustrated with you because of your behavior in certain situations no matter how much they reassure you? This could be another sign of separation anxiety.
  3. Are you struggling with new physical symptoms? If tummy aches, headaches, sweating, nausea, and insomnia have become common occurrences for you, you may want to consider whether separation anxiety may be the cause.
  4. Are you asking for more reassurance than usual? If you find yourself asking for reassurance far more often than you used to and in a way that is alienating the people in your life, you could be dealing with separation anxiety.
  5. Are you struggling to get through your daily activities? Are anxious thoughts getting in the way of you being productive, engaging in healthy hobbies, and taking care of yourself? Separation anxiety may be the root cause.

If you answered yes to most of these questions, you may very well be dealing with separation anxiety.

At this stage, it’s important not to beat yourself up any further, which is why we’re going to take you through a few tips to cope and heal.

Tips for Dealing with Separation Anxiety

We know that taking a separation anxiety quiz isn’t easy, but it’s the first step towards feeling more like yourself again.

When addressing separation and attachment anxiety from a cognitive perspective, we focus on the thought patterns and themes that fuel these anxieties. These patterns often revolve around fears of abandonment, doubts about the availability and support of others, and self-doubts about your worthiness.

Here are a few ways you can start addressing these mental challenges:

  1. Challenge your fear of abandonment. A common thought pattern in separation anxiety involves the fear of being left alone or abandoned. To counter this, you need to reframe thoughts like, “If they’re late, it means they don’t care,” to “They might just be caught up in something unexpected.”
  2. Address doubts about support. For those with attachment anxiety, there’s often a concern that others won’t be there when they need them. Give yourself a reality check when these fears occur by recalling past instances when support was readily provided.
  3. Confront self-doubt. People who are drawn to a separation anxiety for adults’ test frequently doubt their own worthiness of love and support. It’s important to identify and challenge negative self-beliefs with evidence of your value and lovability. When you experience self-doubt, think back to some past personal achievements and positive interactions.
  4. Promote secure attachment through positive experiences. Building positive relationship experiences can help reshape attachment styles. Engaging in activities that foster a sense of connection and security, and mindfully acknowledging these moments, can gradually alter your internal narrative about relationships.
  5. Engage in open communication. Speak to your loved ones about your fears. A simple conversation can mean the difference between drowning in these feelings and gradually changing your thinking patterns.
  6. Journal. Write down your thoughts and feelings about yourself, your career, and any relationships. Reflect on whether your fears are based on facts or assumptions. This can provide you with clarity and help you challenge irrational fears.
  7. Physically challenge your assumptions. If you fear being excluded, try initiating plans with your friends or colleagues. Often, the outcome is more positive than anticipated, helping you to slowly break down irrational fears.
  8. Seek therapeutic intervention. If you’re struggling to overcome separation anxiety on your own, it might be best to turn to a cognitive-behavioral therapist. A therapist can use proven techniques to help you develop more secure attachment patterns and a healthier approach to relationships.

By actively working on implementing these tips, it’s possible to shift your thinking patterns, leading to reduced anxiety and healthier attachment styles.

Use This Separation Anxiety in Adults Test to Your Advantage

Now that we’ve reached the end of this separation anxiety disorder test, you should have a better understanding of the signs to look out for and how to start managing them.  

It’s truly incredible how our thoughts and perceptions can shape our experiences, but it is possible to turn them into something positive.

Our ingrained thinking patterns can influence our feelings of security in relationships and how we view ourselves. However, challenging and changing these patterns is a vital step towards alleviating the intensity of separation anxiety. It’s a process that requires patience, persistence, and often, the guidance of a professional.

The statements and scenarios in this separation anxiety quiz are just a starting point, helping you gain insights into the nature and extent of your anxiety. Separation anxiety may be common, but it should never stop you from living a full and exciting life.

It’s important to reach out to a professional if you feel that your separation anxiety has gotten out of control.

Separation Anxiety Test FAQS

Why do I have separation anxiety from my girlfriend?

There are a number of reasons why you may feel unsettled about being separated from your girlfriend, including:

–        Past hurts that involves family or another partner leaving you.

–        Feelings of being unworthy, unlovable, or uninteresting.

–        Your girlfriend is acting in ways that make you feel unlovable.

If you’re feeling hurt or that your girlfriend is neglecting you, it may be a good idea to have a conversation about how you’re feeling. You may discover that your thoughts and feelings are based on assumptions and not reality. Your girlfriend may also be unaware of how she is making you feel, which could lead to deeper communication and more effort on her part.

Do I have separation anxiety with my boyfriend?

You may have separation anxiety with your boyfriend if you are constantly asking for reassurance or get upset if he does things without you. Feeling like your boyfriend may easily replace you or doesn’t really love you may stem from your general feelings of unworthiness. It’s important to address these feelings if you hope to have a healthy and lasting relationship.

Why do I have separation anxiety from my mom?

When we have close relationships with our parents, it’s completely normal to fear losing them. However, these feelings of loss should not affect your daily life. If they do, it may be time to speak to a therapist. If your mom is acting in ways that are making you feel neglected and unloved, it’s worth having a conversation about how you’re feeling and finding ways to spend healthier, quality time together.
